How to evaluate the performance of your employees

How to evaluate the performance of your employees

By Admin
Published in Business
August 14, 2021
3 min read

Evaluating employee performance is not always an easy task. In this content, understand how to carry out this process in your company.

Evaluating the performance of employees is not always an easy task, but it is essential for any company. In this context, we prepare a real step-by-step guide to help managers in this process. Read on!

What is performance appraisal and how important is it?

Performance appraisals emerged around the 20th century when specialists in the area of human resources deepened their study of the impact of employee behavior on an activity performed in the company.

In summary, performance evaluation is a tool in the people management area , which aims to measure the level of performance and development of an employee in the company, considering their function and the sector in which they work.

It is a complex process, consisting of steps that are grouped into identification, diagnosis and analysis of the behavior of an employee, in a considered period of time.

In short, the performance evaluation serves as a support in decision-making for managers, as well as to feed the human resources sector with relevant information about employees.

Thus, based on the results obtained with this process, it is possible to define plans for growth, bonuses, the need for layoffs and training, among other changes to be applied within the company.

It is also worth mentioning that performance evaluation also brings important benefits to employees. After all, through it, their managers can get to know them better, identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement in each of their employees.

But, for the performance evaluation to be really effective, it is necessary to define, for each one, performance indicators. Otherwise, the process has the potential to make no sense without clear guidance on what should be evaluated.

Know the types of performance evaluation

Now get to know some types of performance evaluation.

1. Team evaluation

In this type of assessment, the performance of the team as a whole is analyzed individually. Based on it, managers get to know the team’s interaction dynamics and how they organize themselves internally to carry out activities.

One of the main benefits of this type is related to the fact that it encourages empathy and teamwork. After all, the team will need to be united and aligned to achieve the expected results.

2. Employees self assessment

In self-assessment, the employee assesses his/her own performance in the company. Thus, through questionnaires, he should answer with sincerity and maturity what he thinks of his behavior.

Then, together with the manager, they discuss these points in order to find the best solutions for improvement points and better use of strengths.

3. Evaluation of the direct superior

This is the most traditional and common form of performance appraisal. In summary, the employee’s direct superior evaluates his performance in the performance of activities in the company. This is a more standardized method, allowing for a more impartial assessment.

4. 360 degree evaluation

The latter is a more common type of valuation in large companies. In the 360-degree assessment, employees, in addition to self-assessment, also assess the behavior of their co-workers and superiors. This ends up being one of the most complete evaluation methods.

How do we assess the performance of your employees? Regardless of which performance appraisal process you choose, there are a few key points to consider. Understand which ones are next.

Know what your team’s deliverables are

It’s imperative to really know what your team’s key deliverables are. In this way, employees can see their role within the organization more clearly.

Set goals and objectives for the team

Where is your company today and where do you want to go? Do your employees also see themselves in this destination?

Define the objectives and goals for each team, however, consider two points: the central objective of the organization and the fact that its employees are aligned with it. It is important that, for them, this goal makes sense, considering their dreams and professional goals.

Understand the profile of each employee

Each person is different, having different characteristics and different soft and hard skills. Soft skills can explain the profile and behavioral skills you need in a company. Thus, it may often be that an employee who is not showing good results in a given team may have more affinity with another sector of the company.

Thus, a better understanding of each profile helps to allocate employees in order to make better use of their skills.

Analyze the behavior part

Hard skills are important, but the behavior and posture of each employee, too. In this sense, assess whether the way each of them performs their function is aligned with the company’s goals and values.

Measure overall productivity

One of the most effective ways to analyze an employee’s performance is measuring their productivity, based on the daily tasks they perform in the company. Thus, through it, it is possible to analyze the processes of the company as a whole.

Give Feedback to each one

Observing points of improvement only makes sense when accompanied by feedback. After all, what is the use of evaluating and measuring employee performance numbers without receiving clear and honest feedback about them?

In this sense, feedback has the role of transmitting to the employee the perceptions obtained from their performance evaluations.


In addition, it is important that the process is coherent and that the commitment to it comes from the company’s own management so that all employees develop the same feeling.






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